oty_lya – Begegnungsreisen http://www.begegnungsreisen.eu nach Moldawien/ Ostrumänien vom 19.9.-27.9.2017 Tue, 16 Apr 2019 20:43:18 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8 Serbian organisations http://www.begegnungsreisen.eu/serbian-organisations/ Mon, 16 Dec 2013 12:29:05 +0000 http://www.begegnungsreisen.eu/?p=351 Visit of the German multiplicator delegation to Serbia, 27.10.-1.11.2013 in order to create synergies and cooperation between German and Serbian civil society organizations

Partner Organisations in Serbia


Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development,
Minister Tomislav Jovanovic, [email protected]
Contact: Mirjana Milanovic, [email protected]
Serbia Convention Bureau, Cika Ljubina 8,11000 Belgrade
Contact: Milos Milanovic
Ethnographic museum in Belgrade, Studentski trg 13, 11000 Belgrade,
Contact: Dr. Miroslav Tasic
University of Belgrade, Faculty for Philosophy,  Dept. for Andragogy, Studentski trg 1, 11000 Belgrade
Contact: Prof. Snezana Medic, [email protected]
National Foundation  Human Aging  Laza Lazarevic
Contact: Prof. Simeon Babic  [email protected]
Lidija Jevremovic, [email protected]
“Sport for all” Association, Tarazije 35/III  1000 Belgrade,
Contact: Jezdimir Marsenic
Supernatural, Simina 19  Red Cross Building, office 205, Belgrade,
Contact: Srdjan Stankovic
Institute for Social Protection Serbia, 34, Terazije Street 11000 Belgrade
Contact: Dr. Lidija Kozarcanin
Red Cross of Serbia, Simina 19, 11000 Belgrade
Contact: Natasa Todorovic /Ljubomir Miladinovic [email protected]
Third Age Movement, 34, Terazije Street, 11000 Belgrade
Contact: Dr.  Dragana Dinic
Gerontological Center, Dechanska 14, 11000 Belgrade
Contact: Milos Nemanjic
Rentnerverband Serbiens, Svetozara Markovina 32, 11000 Belgrade
Contact: Vladanka Miskin, [email protected]
Center for Study in Cultural Development, Rige od Fere 4, 11000 Belgrade
Contact: Jelena Bjegović
Centre for Religious Studies (CIRel), Masarikova 5/16, 11000 Belgrade,
Contact: Ivana Bartulovic
Geo ecological centre, Belgrade,
Contact: Marina Ilic, [email protected]
Young researches of Serbia – Voluntary Service, Bulevar umetnosti 27, 11070 Belgrade
Contact: Jelena Ristic Beronja
www. mis.org.rs
Association Milutin Milankovic, 53 Marsal Birjuzov St. , 11000 Belgrade,
Contact: Slavko Maksimovic

Novi Sad

Elementary & Secondary boarding School “Milan Petrovic”, 32 Brace Ribnikar street, 21000 Novi Sad
Contact: Svetlana Kekic, Project manager,  [email protected]
Museum of Vojvodina, Dunavska st. 35-37, 21000 Novi  Sad,
Contact: Ilija Komnenovic
Ecumenical Humanitarian Organzation, Cirila i Metodija 21, 21000 Novi Sad,
Contact: Robert Bru


Development Foundation of Autonomous Province Voyvodine
Contact: Dusanka D. Sremacki
[email protected]
Stiftung Heimathaus, Andreja Volnog 1-a, 21205 Sremski Karlovic,
Contact: Stjepan A. Seder

Backa Palanka

Gerontological Centre Backa Palanka
Contact: Nada Julinac
[email protected]
Municipality of Balacka Palanka
Contact: Lilijana Cumura Zizic
[email protected]
Centre for promotion of sports and tourism
Contact: Darko Bozovic
[email protected]
EKO inzenjering “Goldenes Alter”
Contact: Zora Kajtez
[email protected]
Supporters in the religious context:
Bishof Jovan Culibrk, Serbian Patriarchate, Ulica Kralja Petra br. 5,
11000 Belgrade
Orthodoxer Weihbischof Andrej Cilerdzic
[email protected]
Deutsche Evangelische Kirchengemeinde, Janka Veselinovica 12, c/o Milankovic
11118 Belgrade
[email protected]

Other supporters

Zoran Janjetovic, Historiker
[email protected]
Predrag Markovic, Historiker
[email protected]
Zivica Tucic, Religionsanalytiker und Publizist
[email protected]
Andrej Ivani, Journalist
[email protected]

